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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Europe will collide with North America

Geologists have identified a new area of ​​tectonic plates that joined one another and that near the coast of Portugal, noted that according to their attractiveness of Europe towards the New World, according to their assessment, Christopher Columbus has had time to the expected hundreds of millions of years to directly ahead on the US-wrote yesterday "Christian Science Monitor".
Evropa dhe Amerika Veriore do të përplasenScientists at the University of Australia "Monash" in Melbourn were published in the journal "Geology" detect the first signs of approaching potential two continents on the coast of Portugal, in the form of "embryonic subduktive area" (geology Subdukcioni = in the process of falling or sinking of litosferike plate under another plate, or vice versa, when a plaque next litosferike called up on another autopsy, which is different from the notion that geological and medical. ML).
Time-period collision of Europe and
America is estimated at about 220 million years.
Such areas are created when a tectonic plate goes under another plate. Australian geologists have compiled the latest maps of the ocean and found the place where it started breaking, which means the beginning of a new phase in the "cycle of Wilson", named after the geological development gjeofizikantin John Wilson, who has discovered that the oceans periods counted in millions of years, opened and closed.
"We discovered an active process, starting with that of similar" embryonic area sunobduktive "said research team leader Joao Duarte. The collision of tectonic plates that could be considered relatively new, according to the geological time scale, it could be caused by an earthquake in Lisbon in 1755, when the Portuguese capital is in ruins, where they killed 60 thousand people, but at the same time started building modern seismology.
"Noticeable seismic activity, including the year 1755 earthquake, have shown that there are probably tectonic movements in the region," said Duarte. "For the first time we have shown that it is not only just, but also that it is an active process," added Duarte.
Looking at creating subduktive area, which is a process that takes 20 million years, may provide new insights as to how the continents were created: "Understanding such processes would certainly lead to insights on how are subduktive areas created in the past and how they are created oceans, "said Duarte.

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